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last edited
by asparagi 13 years, 9 months ago
you are here 2006
definite vehicle/living space needs
- people:
- non-vehicle lodging:
- one 18' dome (Tamara/Robert)
- three tents (Seth, Sunshine, Ella)
- live-in big vehicles: (1)
- one 22' van (Brenda/Robert), arrive Sun afternoon, leave Tue
- other vehicles: (3)
- one pickup truck (Tamara/Robert), arrive Sun, leave late Mon
- one rental car (Ella), arrive Sun/Mon morning, leave Thu night (early)
- one car (Seth/Sunshine), arrive Mon, leave eventually
- other structures:
- one 8-foot-high red arrow/chair
- the undecideds have decided and are camping elsewhere
camp infrastructure
- shower
- supplied by Ron from Los Angeles - always need more camp shower bags
- Has evap pool - planed pump/screen contraption to accelerate evaporation. wicking material drapped into pool an alterative. trebor is bringing some sort of cloth and will scroung structeral materials on the playa if needed.
- kitchen - vancouver kitchen will have stove and separate grill/BBQ
- kitchen is available for all to use
- pots/pans from Vancouver include two small saucepans & two frypans - BBQ also has Griddle
- clean up - yes - always!
- dry ice buying
- Vancouver will have one DI cooler and buy DI in Bend
- California should buy DI in Bay Area, to keep ice frozen?
- last year got at Praxair Distribution Inc. 2020 De La Cruz Blvd, Santa Clara, CA. (408) 727-5454. but store hours are 7-5 M-F. buy friday?
- for the record, dry ice in reno: Crystal Ice 1345 W. 4th St. Reno 323-5145. 7 am - 5 pm Mon - Sat and 8 am - 3 pm Sunday. Conveniently located off the Keystone exit - turn South, then right at the 2nd light onto 4th St. Crystal Ice is on the right just after the Keystone RV Park (about 2 blocks).
- identify dry ice cooler
- cooler technology
- ice cooler: 30 prefrozen 500ml water bottles on bottom, slab of dry ice on top. open only once per day to grab 6 new bottles.
- food cooler: use six frozen water bottles for ice. swap in new ones every day, swap out old ones for cold drinking water
- drinks cooler with ice from center camp. fling in cans/bottles as old ones get drunk. (Seth: Must we use ice from center camp? Can't we go a week without buying anything?)
camp activites
- nail painting
- nail polish
- remover (1 gal acetone supplied by Ella; to be delivered by Brenda)
- chairs (big arrow-chair can be main throne)
- foot rest
- you are here
- "wish you were here" post cards (because of course we need those!) front back
- postcard stamps current rate is 24 cents; bring stamps to get the cool BRC postmark
- box to put postcards into (if we provide stamps and collect postcards on the spot)
- cards like this one for each member of the camp, here are the sheets for blank
- map png svg 11x11 pdf 11x17 pdf
- printing/laminating
- hammer stapler + staples ella
- staple gun + staples tamara
- needle nose plyers tamara
- arrow decals
- "you are here" chair/arrow
- symbol png pdf (full scale)
- model (~8' tall) side front
- letters: you are here
- Behr paint colors to appear on chair; chips available at Home Despot
- Yellow: Bright Star (S-G-360)
- Red: Grenadine (S-G-180)
- shiny red cushion for seat: 1.5-2" foam, 13.5" wide at the back, 28" wide at the front x 23" deep
- vancouver/Los Angeles pack central camp plans
- 3-stage scaffold anchoring bar with shade structure on each side. small generator for lighting, gasoline-powered blender, happy hour 5-7 daily. See VanCampPixPage.
- Camp will be a semi-circle facing the road (or on a corner), with our bar structure just off the road in the centre - Imagine a mini Burning Man road layout (2 concentric roads deep), with a shade structure in the middle (centre camp), then a bar where the man would be, and the road (Fate) in front of the bar.
- We will be part of the big circular layout! Would be nice to have the six of us all pretty close to each other.
- we should coordinate on food as best we can
- thursday night is a camp pot-luck dinner at 4pm (just before happy hour)
- food list
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